Thursday 12 December 2013

Reading with Poems and Pints and Red Heron, King's Head, Lampeter 10/12/13

Next meeting: 7th January 2014

Meeting as usual in the Wolfson Room.

Favourite poem: Mandy

Own work:  Jane's prose

Topic: the elements


Lampeter Writers' Workshop is the oldest weekly writing workshop in Wales. It was founded in 1984, and still meets every Tuesday in termtime in St David's building at the Lampeter campus of University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Meetings have three elements: someone brings a favourite poem and this is read and discussed; someone brings some of their own work to be workshopped; and the group reads their poems on a topic set the previous week.

The group was founded in 1984 by Gillian Clarke, Kathy Miles, Andrew Hassam and Sue Moules. Gillian was a creative writing fellow at the University and she asked local writers to call in and meet her. We sat and chatted and Gillian thought a group would be a good idea. We put up posters and people turned up on the Tuesday night to our Writing Room, which was on College Street.

At the end of the first year we produced an anthology called The Writing Room. Since then we have had others-To The Edge of The Page and A Star Fell From Orion

Meetings of Lampeter Writers' Workshop

All are welcome to attend. Meetings are held 7pm-9pm every Tuesday in term time, in the Wolfson Room, St David's Building, University of Wales Trinity Saint David Lampeter. There is a small charge.

To join our email list for details of future meetings, email